Most Recent
Hybrid collection of stories, essays and stage text, published by Liquid Cat Books.
Presentation of a chapter from researched memoir in progress for Cultural Autism Studies at Yale, part of The Ethnography Project led by Dawn Prince-Hughes.
Essay excerpted from memoir-in-progress, published by Autism in Adulthood. (If you cannot access the full essay, contact me for the full text.)
Interview by Bijal Shah on her Book Therapy site about THE MORTALITY SHOT, which she included in her A-Z prescription list under Bereavement.
Questionnaire for Sari Botton's Oldster about age, autism and finding our voice/s.
Essay about William James quote and the Unadapted, and how this relates to my recent discovery I am autistic, commissioned for Blurb Your Enthusiasm on HiLoBrow.
Lyric essay about my first 99 days of COVID, published in Heavy Feather Review Vol 11 and online at The Linden Review
Essay commissioned by Sari Botton for Oldster about my grandmother, Jani, who was way ahead of her time in the 1970s, writing about sex in her sixties.
Featured Publications
Winter 2020
An essay about mortality and art, published by Prairie Schooner. Only in print.
May 2019
Excerpt from story published in Gertrude, because runner up in chapbook contest. Full story published in 2014 in Stockholm Review of Literature. The God Thing was nominated for a Best of the Net award and received an Honorable Mention from Glimmer Train.
May 2019
This piece about my stepfather David's sudden death appeared in Burning House Press. Two other pieces of mine also published by BHP in 2018: Memoriam and Grief is a Private Island
Selected Publications
article about The Amazing True Imaginary Autobiography of Dick and Jani
Article commissioned by Women Writers, Women's Book in 2014, inspired by learning of the term and concept of micro-history from correspondence with Jill Lepore while researching book on my grandmothers, The Amazing True Imaginary Autobiography of Dick and Jani.
My first stage text Word To Your Mama, was performed by Screaming Venus and then at FringeNYC in 2000, and chosen by Martin Denton for the NYTE anthology of the best of indie theater of that year. The FringeNYC production won an OOBR award for excellence. Their review is here.
my blog from 2011-19
Somewhere in Transitions archives much I have written, had produced, and reflected upon since 2011. On the top right side bar of blog, more publications are listed.