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Writing Workshops

writing in community

Inwood Writing Workshops offer a space for small, diverse groups of writers to share their work weekly and received constructive feedback on their work. The workshop groups are small, so everyone who wants has time to share each session. Feedback is focused on what the writer is attempting to accomplish, and each writer can request comments on specific issues. There is no 'house style' and all genres are welcome. I gear prompts and feedback to the needs of workshop participants rather than using a pre-existing formula.


Because workshops capped at 6 people, openings are rare and go fast. You can contact me if interested in future workshops. Because of COVID, the workshops are now held on Zoom. The next series will be announced here; if you are interested, contact me so can ensure you are notified when there is an opening. I also offer private coaching and manuscript reviews.


New workshop beginning October 22! This workshop will focus on both generating new work and editing it during the workshop time itself (which you can use as a way to jumpstart a new project or inject new life into an existing one). There will be both generative prompts and editing concepts offered, along with encouragement to engage in "intuitive processing," a fancy term I have coined for listening to your gut even as you are working with conscious writing tools. Because I keep workshops small, they tend to fill up fairly quickly, so contact me soon if interested.


Periodically, I lead one-off workshops to help writers who want guidance in how to submit work to journals, agents, and publishers. I also teach yoga for writers workshops, to aid in accessing creative flow and compassionate self-discipline. If interested in either of these, I will put you on the contact list, and announce on this website.



"Julia is a masterful writer and teacher. Her workshop was the perfect environment to finish my book."

- Heather Greer (award winning author and documentary filmmaker)


"I was really struggling when I stumbled upon your Facebook post advertising a spot in your workshop. My deadline was the following spring, and I was IN THE WEEDS - I basically had no idea how to move forward. There is no way I ever could have finished without the discipline and feedback of the weekly workshop - I am so, so thankful to you for facilitating that incredible safe space full of brilliant writers, and also your own wonderful, insightful feedback. I owe you big time!"

-Kate Flannery (author of Strip Tees, a Memoir of Millennial Los Angeles)


Read more about the workshop


If you prefer to work one-on-one, I also offer private coaching and editorial service


Writing Workshops: Services

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©2019-2023 by The Unadapted Ones/Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

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